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BREED: _______________________________ WHELPED: ______________________


SIRE: ______________________________ DAM: ___________________________________


PURCHASE PRICE: $ _________ GENDER: Male / Female COLOR: ______________________


On this date – _______________________ – Red Cedar Ranch Kandyland (RCRK) agrees to sell the above-described puppy. To the best of RCRK’s knowledge, this is a healthy puppy. The seller (RCRK) guarantees the health of this puppy for a period of forty-eight hours. The period of forty-eight hours begins at the time the puppy is received by the buyer. At the expense and discretion of the buyer, the puppy may receive an examination from a veterinarian. All guarantees are void if the buyer fails to have the puppy examined by licensed vet within the 48 hours.


• If it is determined by the veterinarian that the dog is not healthy, it will be replaced with the first available puppy of equal value, if the puppy is returned within forty-eight hours of exam. A copy of the results and findings from the veterinarian examination must be provided to RCRK prior to return. Purchaser is responsible for all costs of returned puppy. Seller is responsible for cost to deliver replacement puppy.


• This puppy is also guaranteed for 1 year for life threatening congenital defects such as heart, liver or kidneys. We do not guarantee hernias, retained testicles or things that are not life threatening. Buyer must contact breeder immediately of findings of congenital defects, or contract is null and void. Breeder also has the right to have puppy examined by their own vet. If the puppy dies, a necropsy report from an accredited institution – not a local vet – must be supplied or contract is null and void.


All puppies are sold as pets, on a spay/neuter contract. Proof of spay or neuter must be submitted to RCRK by 6 months of age, unless other arrangements are made. ANY and ALL registration papers will be held until proof of spay or neuter is submitted to RCRK.

RCRK also does not guarantee size, color, temperament or anything that is not health related.

It is further agreed upon that the buyer will take proper safeguards for the safety, health, care, comfort and general well being of this puppy. This includes, but not limited to proper shelter, adequate food, exercise and substantial socialization with other people and animals. This puppy has been on a worming schedule since three weeks of age. It is your responsibility to worm and vaccinate your puppy. It is also the buyer’s responsibility to become familiar with hypoglycemia before purchasing a puppy, as RCRK will not be responsible for a hypoglycemic puppy as it is not genetic and is very preventable.


I understand that RCRK – or its owners – will not, under any circumstances, make any refunds on puppies. I, the buyer, will assume any and all veterinarian cost and any other expense that I might incur in connection with this puppy. I agree to waive any cost what so-ever against RCRK and its owners. By signing, I agree that RCRK is not responsible for any vet bills I incur for any reason and understand they will not refund any of the purchase-price of this puppy, for any reason. If a puppy is replaced it is totally at the purchasers expense for all shipping charges and related costs.

Puppy will not be allowed to leave RCRK until after it is paid for in full and PAYMENT has cleared the bank. I understand that no other guarantees are meant or implied.




Buyer’s name: _________________________________________________________________


Buyer’s address: _______________________________________________________________


Buyer’s phone number(s): Home:____________ Cell: ____________ Other: ______________


Buyer’s Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________


Seller’s Signature:_____________________________________ Date: ___________________


*** PLEASE NOTE … there will be a $8/day charge for any puppy/dog that remains on the place after:

a: They are old enough to go and a deposit has been paid.

b. They are paid in full, but buyers cannot take home for any reason at the time of purchase. Length and reason(s) for offering cut rate in boarding to be determined and acceptable to RCRK.

All images are the property of Red Cedar Ranch Kandyland and may not be used without written permission. 
© 2018 Red Cedar Ranch Kandyland

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